Thank you for the reply, and the information, So far Pepper seems like a chip off the old block. She loves other dogs: yesterday she met a neighbor, an 18 month old lab, and those two chased each other round and round and wrestled endlessly! She also loves people and she is indeed enthusiastic when she meets them. She has a very sweet temperament. she is also smart, she has learned to sit and stay on hand signals rapidly and she is doing pretty well with heeling even with out a training collar (when I can get her to stop grabbing the leash and playing tug of war)!. You will enjoy the story of how we got her.. We attended an annual event called Tea and Tonic, a wonderful fund raiser for the Center for Community Solutions, our vital local organization that battles sexual violence in all forms.. Led by a dear friend of ours, CCS helps an amazing 10,000 people each year. One of the live (literally) auction items was Pepper. My 11 year old daughter, Elle, Had volunteered to spend the afternoon chaperoning Pepper and introducing her to potential bidders. Of course, she fell in love with Pepper.. When the time came for the auction, Elle and Pepper went on stage with Elle ready (but not too willing) to deliver her to the highest bidder. I put in a bid and soon my wife (who was reluctant to get a dog, especially a puppy) took over and Elle lit up. As the bidding went higher and higher and before a final bid my wife went up to the stage and had Elle publicly commit to various responsibilities and then put the bidding over the top! Elle was ecstatic (the attached picture is the moment she realized we had won the bidding) and the crowd went wild-all for a very good cause.. So now we have a sweet new family member. We look forward to receiving a picture of Grace. Regards, Paul |